"The Best at Being the Worst"

Meowth: "We're the best at bein' the worst! 
We're statistically number one!" 
James: "Yeah, a hundred percent," 
Jessie: "Incompetent!" 
Meowth: "Hey, dat's never been done!" 

Together: "We're very good at being very bad. 
It's our grade of success that's sadly been weak." 
Jessie: "We'll just have to accept," 
James: "We're completely inept." 
Meowth: "Dat's what makes us so unique!" 

James: "We're the Hindenburgs of crime!" 
Jessie: "We crash and burn each and every time!" 
James: "Masters of disaster!" 
Jessie: "No one screws up faster!" 
James: "Hey!" 
Together: "At failure we shine!" 

Together: "We're an imperfect ten! 
Team Rocket's blasting off again! 
So I guess we're just cursed!" 
Meowth: "And youse heard it here first!" 
Together: "We're the best at being the worst!" 

Together: "Who'd guess we'd get so far," 
James: "By being completely sub-par?" 
Jessie: "As losers we've raised the bar!" 
Together: "Now we're superstars!" 

*Джесси и Джеймс танцуют танго
(La da da dee da da dah....) 

Together: "We're the best at being the worst!" 
Jessie: "At coming in last, we're always the first!" 
James: "Our flaws are top-drawer!" 
Meowth: "We define Murphy's Law!" 
Together: "We're the best at being the worst! 
We're totally immersed, 
And incredibly well-versed, 
We're the best at being the worst!" 



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